watso is going mad - time to see the shrink.., page-2

  1. 11,951 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 234
    I note on another thread you are also concerned about the onset of TDS and are considering joining a local self help group. It is pleasing that you have turned to the HC community to share concerns about your mental health.

    I would have dismissed you concerns as mild hypochondria but for the worrying symptoms of passing up the RTC cheese and destroying wirelesses. I have no time for quacks but you might consult a local faith healer, these can often be found on the outskirts of farmers markets. Perhaps you could barter something from your larder for their advice.

    Alternatively you might try a little self medication. Never mind the outrageously expensive muck from the chemists, these home remedies can be produced at home. The active ingredient for zoloft is sertraline hydrochloride, you should be able to buy a 5kg container on line from India. A little of this this could then be sprinkled in a pot of RTC chicken soup, this should perk you up.

    While buying on line from India you might also get 5kg of the active ingredient for Viagra (dixa floppin). This could also be added to the soup for additional perking up. You could also add some of those colourful mushrooms to aid the imagination.

    If you made enough you could give some to the faith healer to sell on the outskirts of the farmers market. If you are mixing a big pot its important not to breath in the active ingredients. A dust mask would be good, otherwise you can use some panty hose over your head.

    Best Wishes
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