Climate Change - what are your children/grandchildren being taught at School?, page-44

  1. 1,646 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 202
    If every country around the world did the same, man made climate change would be a non-issue.

    At the same time, there would be no more oil wars. Our trade balance would be vastly improved from locally generated renewable energy having replaced imported oil and we would no longer be funding terrorism in the Middle East.

    The few thousand jobs lost in coal mining would be more than made up for in new and sustainable jobs in the renewable energy sector.

    Our cities would be free of vehicle exhaust fumes. Our children would live healthier than our generation and look forward to an exciting future with a new found optimism that - given man made climate change has been successfully eliminated - other global environmental challenges can also be addressed successfully.

    Deaths from vehicle particulate emissions - which exceed the national road toll - would be a thing of the past. The financial dividend on the reduced health budget for the nation would free up meaningful funds to address the issues of an ageing population.

    Our economy would not be weighed down by the burden of "climate change abatement measures". Our tourism sector would still be able to market the Great Barrier Reef and overseas visitors would not be scared away by catastrophic bushfires.

    The only thing stopping us from enjoying that future - are not other nations like China and India - but people like you Jack.

    Thankfully, it seems like the younger generation has had enough of the lies, egoism and climate change denying polemic of the older generation.

    I hear James Murdoch is finally calling a spade a spade. You are just echoing the arguments that his father's press has indoctrinated into the Australian population.

    "Even if we cut emissions, China and India are the real problem."

    Maybe the real problem are not China and India Jack, but people like you - who incidentally also exist in places like China and India. The problem is not one nation or the other, the problem is the people that don't want to act and who come up with all sorts of arguments to prevent any action in some twisted search for self-advantage.

    I think, if there were no people like you in this world, man made climate change would be under control.

    All just imho
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