Why renewables can't save the planet., page-68

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    "There are plenty of universities and farms utilising Vflow, just not on the scale of the Rongke one.

    This farm is 100% renewable and what is laughable is that they had to go off-grid to be able to get three-phase power because the grid could not provide."

    I'm always on the lookout for a viable, practical, economical off grid Solar/Wind solution. Generating electricity during sunny or windy days is no problem. However, economical battery storage capable of supplying demand during Summer and Winter days and all night time use is the issue.

    Backup batteries must be able to supply for at least the most common worst case scenario. Not some average that does not even exist in the real world . .. and certainly not the token 4-8 hrs usually quoted. The Solar panels must generate sufficient electricity to supply both current demand and charge the batteries after a significant battery rundown. This to date is is prohibitively expensive even on a residential scale.

    As far as I could see the "good news" vanadium-redox-flow-battery case study is the only one so far in Australia.
    One would also question the claim that they were now generating free electricity ....
    “What’s really nice is that since we’ve installed the vanadium flow battery, we haven’t had any interruptions to power,” she said. “What’s more, we haven’t had to pay for power, either.”
    No mention of the capital cost payback or depreciation of something with a 20 yr life etc.

    Never the less, hopefully I will live long enough to see practical storage solutions and finally be free of the "grid".

    What do you think would be the reduction in GHG emissions via electricity consumption if the Government subsidised households to convert all lighting to 12v LED, installation of all round verandahs of at least 2M, double insulated roof construction and double glazed external glass ?
    Not to mention a general new house construction subsidy inversely proportional to house size.


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