us - police no longer need a warrant, page-3

  1. 2,839 Posts.
    re: gstfree ~ us - police no longer need a warrant Thank you for being the purveyor of such good news on a somewhat dull Sunday afternoon, and, might I add, not before time.
    The sooner this policy is adopted in good ol' Oz the better, as far as I'm concerned.

    Trust those good ol' boys South of the "modern day" Mason Dixon Line to get it right yet again.

    Thank you Baton Rouge for leading the charge, kinda neat isn't it that "Baton" is incorporated in this reformist, trailblazing City's name.

    The Baton is what's been missing all along....round 'em up I say, give 'em a good biffing, a haircut, a shave and a hose down befor "laying" down the law....across their backs with a cat o' nine tails.

    Just what we need here, the power to round up anyone under suspicion, in particular of terrorrist activities, not to mention rapists and child molesters as well. Arrest 'em, try 'em, then hang 'em high....along with any supporters they may have...guilty by association.

    The amount of wasted on illegal 5th Columnists...challenging our laws through the use of our pathetic Legal Aid system to determine our right to say who stays and who goes, just makes me sick.

    And what a learned bunch of parasitic lawyers they are, living off the gravy Taxpayer money... most of them wouldn't get a brief outside of the Legal Aid arena.

    And while all this money goes down the drain, trying to defend the indefensible, there will be Australians without a roof over their heads tonight.
    Shame Australia, shame.

    Wake up....these subversive elements are creeping into government alcoves as I type.
    Reds under the bed....damn right, figuratively speaking anyway....only difference is they ain't Commies this time round.

    They have infiltrated our Education system, Local Goverment, Democrats, Greens, the gAyBC etc., etc.. Who knows where it's all going to end.

    One thing I do know, it's to the detriment of Australia's future well being....
    What a legacy we are leaving our kids.

    And do you know what's so ironicall about the whole situation....we aren't being lauded for the helping hand we've been extending to the world's trash, we are being laughed at and ridiculed by the very beneficiaries of our largesse.

    Enjoy what's left of your Sunday wont you, and in so doing spare a thought for your fellow countrymen who may be down on their luck, but don't "qualify" for a helping hand up from the Taxpayer.

    Why is that so, you might ask?

    Beacause these illegal parasites have bled our Social Services dry....the so called "Safety Net" has holes in it big enough for Packer to slip through.

    Sleep tight tonight, all tucked up in bed, with a full belly and possibly even have the air-con turned up a bit...but before you drift off, spare a thought for those on a park bench tonight, count your blessings and ask yourself: "Why is it so?"

    It's because we haven't got our priorities right, and please don't get me wrong, I'm all for foreign aid....but only after all our boys are taken care of.

    Remember, there but for the grace of God go I.

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