USA declares public health emergency, page-25

  1. 36,275 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 933
    The US has exceptional growth rates and President Trump could afford to restrict movement in the name of the public health IMHO.

    Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg have the weakness Australian economy IMHO since European Settlement, and now with this "Fortress Australia" Policy they may possibly save Australian public health, itself in some turmoil in Australia, but they have absolutely pillaged, enormously ravaged and mercilessly destroyed the Australian economy, its trade, travel, university education sector, and whatever "Asian" credentials it had left.
    How do you think Australia will go in the next two quarters? You think there will be growth through these immigrants that just pile the money in with a less return each time, each month, each year and possibly now each decade?

    I think Scott Morrison with his $549,250 AUD per year salary and Frydenberg with his $433,000 AUD per year have probably earlier today scrapped the Australian economy, its trade and possibly ensured Australia enters its 4th GDP per capita recession in 32 years, a woeful economic record, a sad indictment of the out of control excessive immigration policy and now absolute bedlam with this Fortress Australia policy in the name of public health.

    It seems to have adopted a White Australia Policy like response to what is a coronavirus. That from a Prime Minister whose seat was the scene of the Cronulla Riots, and a Treasurer whose very constitutionally as a MP for Kooyong was called into question due to his rights to European nationality, to which he responded that did not apply due to his religion and has so far escaped scrutiny from the High Court, is an absolute disgrace.

    "Fortress Australia" with all its wildfires, climate change problems, excessive out of control immigration, xenophobia, sinophobia, its one sided political system with hopeless lack of real opposition (ALP. Greens, United Australia, One Nation) needs some new order and way of removing those who make it an uneconomic swamp IMHO.
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