Where is my free lunch???, page-5

  1. 17,668 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 57
    Because user pays. It means people live more prosperous lives with better choices than under repression and central control. It falls under better society provisions. Its another reason why socialism fails and facism fails

    So it falls on the person who ran the risk going to China or other places and the insurance mob.

    So I understand the politics.

    It falls under insurance incompetence. If people do not wish to pay the premiums they wear the risk. Taxpayers must live in harmony!!

    Travel insurance mobs get hit and they choose whether to provide insurance in Australia or not and they up their premiums.

    Most of the issues in Australia stem from incompetent insurance providers and incompetent banks.

    For example if you have a an incompetent employer or employee its not a power relationship issue, a union issue, its a regulator and insurance provider issue.

    The truth is the banks and insurance mobs are not regulated enough and central regulation is not a issue for them as they are not human as entities!!!
    Last edited by DavoMagic: 02/02/20
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