liberals detention centre legacy, page-75

  1. 2,677 Posts.
    Guys, I dont think anybody here does not believe that refugee should be helped and protected. Governments around the world, including Australia provide finding to refegee camps for persons displaced as a reuslt of war or other events.

    The problem is that when some to do not see their points of view, distorted they may be, they start attacking the individual to make them seem cruel, mean or somehow unsavory.

    Refugees do have a process to apply for settlement in other countries. Australia does have a refugee resettlement program, the recent arrivals being sudaneese.

    Many will argue that the numbers are not sufficient, but that is another issue.

    As to the people in woomera and the WA dentention centres they were not refugees but rather illegal immigrants claiming to be refugees hoping do gooders in our society would help them. These refugees in many cases flew to indonesia to board boats arranged by people smugglers for significant amounts to get them into australian waters, again due to techncial issues that once in australian waters, australian own laws that many Australians have sacfriced for to do used against and a legal fraternity that sees big bucks in helping such illegal immigrants.

    These illegal immigrants then by abusing the laws in australia continue to extend thier terms until public, and many instances misguided, support pressures the government to release them. The impact of this perosn allowed to stay in australia is that they take up the refugee quote for the real refugees who have nothing.

    As to cornelia rau, absolute nut case, that demostrates that the squeak oil gets oiled. She created the environment which she then was rewarded, morally corrupt person.

    And the dentention policies have worked and the 'flood' of boat people never materialised. These do gooders should be thanking the governments of the day for doing the right thing for the great good, not the individual few who have issues
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