10 days to shake the gold world, page-7

  1. 125 Posts.
    Hi DUB,
    I don't post much, but I do read. I appreciated the heads up last week on financialsense.com and bill fox's articles. I read them over the weekend, and while experts with conspiracy theories normally make me run, in this case it more or less joined the dots on what I was thinking anyway.
    With regards to Sinclairs article and the derivatives problem, bill Fox pointed out that with gold there was around 80 - 100 times more "paper ounces" than real ounces. So the risk to the system is if some big players (read countries or warren buffet) demand delivery at virtually any point, then the shite will really start flying.
    I will take this oportunity to ask a question. I own some gold stocks, but have been thinking about a more direct investment, short of buying bullion, and wanting to avoid the futures market (at least in $US) what can you recomend? Gold stocks are fine, but you have to rely on manegment, a secure locale, and market perception to see security and parity. I have a 200K that I don't want to put into real estate, and would be happy to park, maybe slightly leveraged, for 3 - 5 years, and see what turns up.
    Cheers, and thanks again for all the info you post.

    P.S. remember the story of the Emporors new clothes?
    Well the whole world knows the Emporor (US) is naked, all its going to take is for some cheeky kid to say it out loud, and their will be a rush for the door to get out of US$.
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