MacCormack tipped to resign, page-35

  1. 47,981 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @Marketinfo; the only current Australian MP/Senator for whom I have any respect whatsoever is my local MP, independent Helen Haines!

    Haines was elected in Indi despite or perhaps even because of the disgustingly obscene pork barrelling and saturation advertising by the Coalition yet again at the 2019 Election. The thinking people of Indi once again saw clear through the lies, cheating and selfg-serving partisan bias of Murdoch Mouthpieces.

    So what's the key if a politician is to earn public respect and trust:

    1. LISTEN to what people [other than rusted ons] in your electorate are saying and base your policy platform on their vision and aspirations for the future - actually KNOW what you're talking about [ie. STUDY] and don't mindlessly verbalise the work of scientists, teachers, researchers and medical professionals to cover up for the failing of bombastic, irresponsible drongos like Tony Abbott, Scott Morrison and the Muppets.
    2. Declare what you stand for and clearly explain your reasons for doing so - Helen Haines is a champion for listening, acting and being held to account!
    3. Cut the $%^&*() KRAP - don't engage in the sickening, hollow and self-serving political spin we hear day-in-day-out from Morrison and his muppets - it's killing public trust!
    4. Follow through on what you PROMISE - pretty novel in Australian politics circa 2020 but incredibly important.

    Re my destructive negativity; I've explained before on this forum that I base my posting practice on Tony Abbott's behaviour and will continue to do so for as long as those rusted onto such behaviour wakey-wakey!

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