Boris Johnson shows the way on taming public broadcaster

  1. 10,415 Posts.
    Reports that Johnson will scrap the TV licence fee for the BBC and, instead, make it an optional subscription by fee service.This seems like an eminently sensible solution for Australia. I am sure the technology is readily available to scramble the ABC signal unless a subscription is taken out.What an extraordinarily efficient way to make the ABC publicly accountable. Then all the "friends of the ABC" can pay a subscription to fund their ABC and the rest of us would have no objection to its constant pro left bias................. although, it would probably be appropriate to change its name and acronym. "Australian Broadcasting commission" really wouldn't cut it - ===================================================================================

    Boris Johnson tells BBC licence fee will be axed

    Downing Street has turned on the BBC — vowing to scrap the television licence fee and make viewers pay a subscription. The national broadcaster could also be compelled to downsize and sell off most of its radio stations.

    In a plan that would change the face of British broadcasting, senior aides to Prime Minister Boris Johnson insisted on Sunday AEDT that they were “not bluffing” about changing the BBC’s funding model and “pruning” its reach into people’s homes.

    The blueprint being drawn up in government will scrap the licence fee and replace it with a subscription model; force the BBC to sell off the vast majority of its 61 radio stations but safeguard Radio 3 and Radio 4; reduce the number of the corporation’s national television channels from 10; scale back the BBC website; invest more in the World Service and ban BBC stars from cashing in with lucrative second jobs.


    Set at £154.50 a year, the licence fee generated £3.69bn for the BBC last year.

    The plan marks a further escalation of hostilities between No 10 and the corporation following speeches last week by BBC chairman David Clementi, who launched an outspoken defence of the licence fee.

    Sir David argued that a move to a subscription model would mean a loss of earnings for the BBC that would lead to popular programs being axed and the introduction of Netflix-style payments could result in the loss of public service programming in a race to attract paying viewers.

    READ MORE:Netflix model for BBC, Tories ponder|BBC director general to step aside|Johnson called French ‘turds’

    Ministers are already consulting on plans to decriminalise non-payment of the licence fee from 2022 and have suggested the compulsory levy could be scrapped by 2027, when the BBC’s charter is set for renewal.

    A senior source said: “We are not bluffing on the licence fee. We are having a consultation and we will whack it. It has to be a subscription model. They’ve got hundreds of radio stations, they’ve got all these TV stations and a massive website. The whole thing needs massive pruning back.

    “They should have a few TV stations, a couple of radio stations and massively curtailed online presence and put more money and effort into the World Service, which is part of its core job.”

    The attack on the BBC will be led by John Whittingdale, the former culture secretary who was reappointed as a minister of state in his old department on Friday.

    One source described Mr Whittingdale’s instructions from No 10 as: “Mission: attack.”

    Mr Johnson’s girlfriend, Carrie Symonds, used to be Mr Whittingdale’s special adviser.

    A No 10 source said: “The PM is firmly of the view that there needs to be serious reform. He is really strident on this.”

    Polls show the BBC retains high approval ratings with more than 80 per cent of voters.

    The proposal to ban outside earnings comes after BBC editorial director of news Kamal Ahmed, who earns £205,000 a year, was forced to repay £12,000 he earned from addressing an investment conference. A No 10 source suggested BBC stars making money on the side should pay it to a charity such as Help the Aged as the BBC is threatening to cut free licences for the over-75s. “It’s an outrage that people who make their profile at public expense should seek to give themselves further financial rewards and personal gain,” the source said.

    Downing Street is locked in a standoff with the BBC over its political coverage, refusing to put up ministers for Radio 4’s flagship program, Today. A No 10 source rejected Sir David’s claim a subscription model would cost the BBC money: “The BBC is making a wonderful case for the importance of the BBC; if the people of this country agree, they’ll subscribe.”

    The Sunday Times

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