The Truth About Vaccines, page-7267

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    Given that no vaccine has ever been tested for carcinogenicity, or the effects of injecting fragmented fetal DNA, the onus of proof is with those who claim that "vaccines are safe". But they have NONE!

    So, as always, do your own research. Start here with the world expert in this field;

    Theresa Deisher holds a Ph.D. in molecular and cellular physiology from Stanford University. Most practicing physicians do not know, and certainly do not realise the dangers, of vaccines developed from aborted fetal cell lines (specifically MMR, chickenpox, hepatitis A, Pentacel (DTap, IPV/Hib) and shingles vaccines).

    These vaccines were developed with aborted fetal cell lines since 1976. Since this time childhood chronic diseases and illnesses, including childhood cancers, have exploded. DNA of fetal tissue is injected into babies at ever growing rates, according to an expanding vaccination schedule, so that this foreign biologic DNA infects the nucleus of the recipient’s cells hence we have created an autoimmune and chronic childhood disease and disorder epidemic in developed over-vaccinated populations.

    Here Dr. Theresa Deisher presents the dangers of residual human fetal DNA fragments, which remain an unstudied risk to vaccine recipients, yet there's a growing scientific body of knowledge demonstrating the high likelihood of autoimmune responses and gene mutations in children with a genetic vulnerability;

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