Not sure if this link was posted earlier. Some relevant (eyecatching) tidbits from the article copied below.
“We have more than 17m in the bank so our cash reserves are more than adequate to fund the deal, also the $4.2m we are putting into the NSX will go towards funding ClearPay,which will pay fees back to ISignthis for developing the platform.”
“So the money does come back in a way and we end up with a stake in both the NSX and Clearpay,” he said.
Mr Karantzis is confident that ISignthis shares will be reinstated, adding that the ASX’s scrutiny has gone well beyond normal parameters.
“What we find curious about the suspensions is the ASX’s focus on our capabilities and trading platforms, we put our regulatory submissions to compete with Austraclear to the RBA, ASIC and APRA around February/March last year and at some stage it woud appear that part of these submissions were leaked.”
“We have had preliminary discussions with a number of exchanges around the world, the question really is have we outgrown the ASX or should we go somewhere else, given that 90 per cent of our revenue is coming from Europe.”