Hmm...what would he say now?, page-26

  1. 1,409 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 226
    Arthur Caldwell was no racist. But he realized that Australia need immigration to survive post 1945. So he made many comments to assuage public opinion when the first immigrants arrived from war torn Europe. Easy to quote him out of context. He believed all people could contribute to building a better society but attitudes change slowly. He knew that allowing immigration from Asia or Africa at that time would not have been acceptable.
    Today I work with people from all areas of the world and I love the variety and complexities of understanding all these cultures. When I needed hospitalization a few years ago I was operated on and treated by people from all over the place. And I did not once think why are these people here. Because I knew they where all here for the same reason as me. This is a great place to raise a family and build a better society.
    People will tell you that you cannot integrate human beings from different backgrounds. This is racist bullcrap, These people belong in the 1930s with rallies and marches and chants while looking the other way to atrocities. We are all better than that, if we want to be.
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