Christ is The God Man -Jehovah in the flesh, page-192

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    Hi Tonio,

    Mr G I note has covered part of your question.

    When you say Father, to me you are saying the Almighty GOD and Father (Should be) = One in the same = Deu 6:4 - Hear, Israel! Yahweh OUR God Yahweh -- ONE (is).

    How and why would it even entered your mind to suggest the Almighty God and Father is mortal is beyond me?

    The context is NOT saying, only one has immortality here.
    It is telling you why Jesus has immortality, only because he is dwelling in the Almighty God and Fathers light, who himself is Light, Father of it etc and what is expressed from him, (Spirit he is) = Word,...which IS Light as well Psa 119:105.

    So Jesus is in effect dwelling in Word -> The Word = Dabar -> which the 3 Hebrew letters tell us = DOOR into HOUSE (Kingdom) to the HEAD -> Aleph Tav -> THE ALEPH TAV.
    In short, Jesus is dwelling in the House (Bosom John 1:18).

    As I have told you before, the Door the the House (Eden) was effectively closed, and due to Jesus's efforts, (His God and Fathers plans before the world was), after the curtain was torn, Jesus was appointed as the Door (Door reopened you might say) and you come into the House, Kingdom and get the pasture = word of God.
    Are you SEEING that, word of the Almighty God and Father to which Jesus WAS GIVEN.

    Because Jesus carried the Word = the word of God ->(Spirit and words of eternal life), He was exalted and by INHERITANCE received the name -> The Word OF God.
    That DOES NOT make Jesus the Word OR the Word of God, but simply the carrier of it.
    Hence why Rev 19:12 tells You, no one knows this name, as the likes of you think it IS saying the above line here, and it is NOT.

    If I gave you an apple, YOU do NOT become that Apple = Drrrrr -> SIMPLE's.

    God often gave out names that represents, means, the role He had for them.
    Jesus = God is salvation or God saves, Hence why God chose the name Jesus.
    The very reason why you will also see, God as our saviour and Jesus as our saviour.
    Jesus was the means through which God would fulfilled the plans he made before the world existed, known as Logos and Glory.

    Part of this Glory, held via God ALONE before the world was, Jesus asks for in John 17:5.
    And now Glorify Me You, Father, with Yourself, with Glory insofar held (I had) before -> the world -> existed, -> WITH YOU.

    In the mind and plans of God, logos and glory, his first plans, the Beginning of the creation of God Rev 3:14, was for as Jesus to be, IN the future, hence in the Same context of this plan, the Jesus to be was the firstborn of creation.
    Your creation and logos, like of lump it, begins IN you, it is also your foundation.

    So Jesus in John 17:5, Asks the God and Father for his literal presence = First time and also asks for the Glory Held via God ALONE, before the world even existed.
    Before you start coughing and spluttering, we WILL let the Bible CLEAR you throat, CUT OUT your grounds for denial.

    2 Tim 1:9
    Who hath saved us, and calleduswith an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before time eternal,

    They were not there, did not pre-exist, just as Jesus and yet they like Jesus could rightfully ask God for the following that They (I) HAD -> And now Glorify Me You, Father, with Yourself, with Glory insofar held (I had) before -> the world -> existed, -> WITH YOU.

    And there is NO WAY from the Bible, You can deny this,..... what they could ask and rightfully so.
    Jesus is the same today, yesterday and forever .
    Yes, and the Bible clearly teaches us, his literal, physical beginning was at conception, 2nd Adam which is Man, body, soul and spirit.
    The Bible also tells us, God has ONLY spoken The Word = the word of God (Himself), in and through Jesus in these
    LAST DAYS = Full Stop, Jesus cannot be the Word, as the Word in John 1:1-2 is the very same word that caused the events in John 1:3 -> And God said, and God said and God said and Jesus said ZERO as he was NOT around at creation - >
    Isa 44:24 - Thus saith Yahweh, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I Yahweh that makethall; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

    Jesus is true God and eternal life

    Jesus does NOT say such in John 17:3 and the other verse you quoted in the past, your flaw was exposed to which, if memory serves me correct, you went underground on that one, never bothered to address some truths of that one.
    If memory is correct, you mistakenly mixed up Jesus with God.
    Lost the plot as to the lead up topic and who Exactly, it was addressing.
    Why do you deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ?

    You mean, why does wotsup deny the OTHER Jesus that MOST have created, and of which the Bible tells us, the LOOK out for!
    Simple, God is truth and he expects likewise to those that worship,..... and worship also includes COMMUNICATE.
    So,....I will NOT be part you your untruths that your trying to promote, communicate.
    They remove the Almighty God and Fathers -> Spirit/Word/Light and replace him with some strange spirit.
    To boot because of this, you in turn, create another Jesus.

    Hence, Jesus's VERY CLEAR words -> FEW FIND IT = TRUTH, just like the days of Noah he said, hmmm only 8 - FEW????????????

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