RES 0.00% $4.61 resource generation limited

who is the idiot, page-7

  1. 2,994 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    Might get yourself on that rich list there Jimkk.
    I bought my first BNB at 2.20 on the way down, but my second was larger and at .90 cents:)

    With little news coming out for a fair while this will drift down id say good time to load the coal wagon for the resource generation locamotive.

    Going to offload the BNB and some others and go cash till Res is ready for a big buy, but anywhere under .15 cents and all i see are $$$$$ signs and my new Aston Martin.

    Time will tell but i dont want to be reading about you guys in AFR and me being stuck at the station in the doubleplugers!!
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