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Telehealth on the rise, page-1171

Currently unlisted. Proposed listing date: 4 SEPTEMBER 2024 #
  1. 2,574 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4962
    Morning all.

    Another Dow another thousand!

    While we see pain across markets globally due to the Corona virus outbreak there are opportunities arising. As the thread I created some time ago stipulates "telehealth on the rise" is certainly the case now!  All telehealth consultation visits for respiratory related cases made up around 40 to 50% of visitations,  likely to be much higher now.  This growth bodes well for the future success of our company ResApp! RAP as all of us know can accurately diagnose respiratory related cases upper vs lower respiratory related diseases with very high accuracy matching/ more accurate than that of a doctor with a stethoscope and just as accurate if not more accurate than an x-ray, arguably better particularly for its use in Europe and Australia based on the Australian results. But in the US once FDA approval comes through.... we still had fantastic results for upper vs lower respiratory related as well as asthma. To differentiate between upper and lower respiratory related cases is gold! A God sent for us all as we can monitor our health live and seek emergency medical treatment faster! This is key to saving lives and to reduce those death tolls  brought on by the coronavirus. ResApp can certainly help in this situation without a doubt!!

    It's in our nature as human beings to worry particularly for our kids and other family members. If people had the power to accurately diagnose themselves for an upper or lower respiratory tract infection in the comfort of their own living rooms without risking becoming infected by visiting an ED Ward or doctor's office then we should be doing everything in our power to get this app out into the market, regulatory FDA clearance couldn't come at a better time than now!

    Schools in some countries are closing down people are being advised to stay away from crowded places it's no wonder that telehealth is on the rise and our company is working / about to be released into the telehealth market. As soon as we officially sign up our first telehealth contract the trend will sharply reverse and our share price will go on a journey to parabolic town IMO!

    I have been proactive and started to send information around to media outlets on ResApp how they are on the precipice of releasing to the telehealth market and how that will help the telehealth market immensely and potentially save many lives... suggest fellow shareholders do the same. We want to get this out there and we want to save lives early detection is the key to survival because if the infection progresses to the lower tract area, as the coronavirus does for some of the infected then the medical software will warn the patient to seek medical help  and that there lies the problem the flood of patience flocking to the emergency ward or the doctor's office clogging up the system and worsening the valuable time for the actual really ill to be treated. This is becoming a much more serious issue telehealth is the answer  there's no doubt about that but we need that special tool to increase the online physicians accurately immensely. PUSH IT folks now is the time! Let's make this happen! Come on Tony let's make a difference!

    "Teladoc Health jumped substantially on Thursday morning after the company reported revenues that beat analyst expectations. The surge comes two days after a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official said that communities may need to increase the use of telehealth tools if the novel coronavirus continues to spread inside the U.S."


    Telehealth everywhere on the rise!!


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