markus padleys mea culpea

  1. 1,750 Posts.

    Read this drivel from Marcus Padley in Fairfax. I would say I have found him to be consistantly the most foolish commentator allowed to sprout.

    When I chucked my Superannuation to Cash on the 28th January this year I recall Marcus at the time had his veins pumping with the self-interest of a employee of the financial services Industry. Marcus advised all and sundry that your Super had to stay in the market and any other course was folly.

    Marcus has also been a somewhat conflicted and vociferous critic of those who seek to manage their own supperannuation assets as opposed to paying the commisions of the swill who parasitically suck the blood of the host investor.

    Marcus the sharemarket sage (hindsights 20/20 out the bum Marcus) now informs us that the current market is a Casino in which he's no longer participating. Your legion of loyal readers may well recognize your epithany as being entirely inconsistant with months of what passed for "advice"

    Oh dear Marcus will you ever accept any responsibility for the quality of the advice so freely dished out in the copious verbage of your newspaper collumn. I see individuals like Marcus as a sympton of the problem. A cheerleader for a corrupt system of selling risk to the unknowing.

    Poor show Marcus, must improve next term. f minus. I hope the poor darhling keeps his "sanity" and the kids arn't thrown from either the BMW or Kings.
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