CORONA VIRUS. Is it out of control?, page-6612

  1. 2,677 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 47
    So China is innocent cause 250 yrs ago Colonialist's from Britain settled a land full of neolithic tribes and they just stuffed up hey ?

    No M8, China actively hid the effects and punished those who dared to try and warn the rest of the Planet about this Virus with extreme means.
    They actively suppressed the reporting of the spread and the danger of this Virus until it became quite obvious to the rest of the World when they set quarantine zones the like of which the planet has never seen before. Even once the word was out they actively hunted down and neutered those who were reporting from within the lockdown zones with a vengance and those who were reporting are still yet to be found.

    Highly likely they stuffed up ???? Oh FFS what a Fkn cop out, they lied, manipulated, exterminated, and obfuscated and are still doing so now, with I might add the assistance of the W.H.O and a whole bunch of bought and paid for MSM FAKE NEWS services as well.

    Your Coming across as an Apologist Cosmo, a very vain and artificial one as well, China the innocent, China the hard done by, and also playing the Aussie the Colonial Racist card on top of it all as well. Here's a tip M8, just what the F does Colonial Australia from 250 years ago have to do with China just three months back Knowingly Unleashing a Global Pandemic upon the Planet ?

    Stick to the fact's, It Started in China, China hid it from the world to save Face, They ignored their own Doctor's advice and punished those who tried to raise the alarm to the rest of the World, Then they lied even more and denied the fact that a Virus was unleashed and was spreading from Human to Human.

    Can you remind me of the date that China issued a Warning to the rest of the World that they had a highly transmissible Novel Virus on their hands to the rest of the World ?
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