Six months....impossible, page-126

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    Welcome to the socialists’ utopia.

    While most thinking people are transfixed with horror by the annihilation of our global economy, the left are rejoicing.

    This week GetUp! emailed their supporters in raptures over the wartime measures our government has taken to see people through the pandemic.

    “We Won – BIG” their subject line announced triumphantly.

    Doubled Newstart allowances, 6 months rent-free, 6 million Aussies receiving wage subsidies from the government, FREE daycare...

    For the socialists, this is life as it always should be.

    Never mind that it’s come at the cost of a World War II sized deficit our children’s children will likely be paying off.

    The climate alarmists are rejoicing also.

    Planes are grounded, oil demand has plummeted, and industry is halted as great swathes of our economy are forbidden from functioning – all of which mean reduced Co2 emissions.

    For this particular brand of lefty, even the pandemic’s death toll has an upside: less people mean a smaller carbon footprint.

    Few things are certain at a time like this, but one thing we can be sure of… Once this storm passes, we’re going to have one heck of a dogfight on our hands to ensure that every single one of these measures the left is so in-love with is peeled back hard and fast.

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