malcolm turnbull, page-29

  1. 5,144 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1158
    Hi jdvictoria,
    The only good policies Rudd has introduced were those of the previous Govt or MT's. Only last week Rudd was going to guarantee bank accounts up to $20k. MT said no it should be at least $100k.Rudd then found out that the average bank account is well less than $100k so he inroduced the upgraded version of no limit but only after pressure from the opposition.Now the opposition is rightly pushing for the treasury docs supporting the current Rudd recession proofing fund injection. And the fact is that it is probably too big and will not leave enough when we really need it.So to fund our high on the hog existence tax will have to increase at some point.The single biggest factor that kept the great depression going so long was the fact that the US Govt increased taxes. Two of Rudds biggest elction cons were ...we will save the whales,...and signing Kyoto. Then reality struck . We eventually sent a vessel down to the Antarctic to take some photos and then it all got too hard , even taking the Japs to court became diplomatically unrealistic. Signing Kyoto was a pure con and as John Howard well knew,it would be stupid and economic suicide for Australia to take any emmission reduction steps unless the big polluters of the world also participated.
    Anyway I digressed,....I would rather have somebody like MT at the wheel who has a lot of real world experience and possibly has the benefit of learning from past mistakes. Contrast to Kevin07 who has been a grubby little pulic servant running around with a.. how to speak mandarin book in his back pocket.My Chinese friends tell me he speaks mandarin a bit like Luigi speaks Australian only not as good.
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