Priests and gambling, page-49

  1. 25,460 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I did have a part counter for his claim (all I had time for).

    It is quite clear for those that have some commonsense, that what Adam and Eve did, re - taking of Words, would have been part of the plan.

    Commonsense would also suggest, they were not literally eating fruit and there was probably not a literal garden.
    Gen 3:22 - And Yahweh God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

    The basic Bible message is very clear, even in the NT, the only way to live forever (biblical wise here), is to take the word of God, accept and abide in it.

    So just on the basics here, the waffles false claim I take all the Gens account literally, is exactly that -> False.
    Therefore, he was flapping his trap based on many assumptions.

    And, the fact remains and from his own writings, the science is more so his God.
    He also twists very clear Bible words to create an entirely different message of the clear words, messages of the Bible in places..
    He also pretty much swallows the same line, faith as the Kam guy used to pump (B.....something), which also twist and manipulates words and messages, clear ones to come up with or support their concoctions, creations.

    Have a good look at his post, he makes all these claims, re God etc and in his own words has said several times, we know next to nothing about God.
    If that be the case, then all his claims here are nothing but unfounded smoke, hot air.
    How the hec would he know how and why God may have done things in a certain that may seem outrageous to waffle?
    Effectively, a piece of clay trying to tell God how this or that should be, when apparently, he and on his own words, knows nothing about the God.

    And YOU suggest I have no counter to this rubbish = Thanks for the laugh biggrin.png
    I hope I stop laughing by morning as I will be on a mobile scaffold tomorrow painting the high void walls lol.
    If you don't hear from me again, I have obviously laughed myself off the scaffold, OR my scaffold skills are as expected, Poor lol or the outriggers that I'll be leaving off, was a poor choice.

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