Why the world is angry right now?, page-36

  1. 87,983 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    “Yes, suck it up if you are unemployed, or have no money, maybe lost a business that you've spent 20 years building up, or maybe had some of your freedoms frozen”

    here’s the news

    Unaware, vague and uncaring people in large numbers are now getting a lesson in what it’s like to live on unemployment benefits- imagine if it was half of what they were getting- like the liberals have been forcing people to live on for years

    owning a business for 20 years- well- now you know the actual meaning of the rainy day saying- it’s now raining- hard
    and we’re all in the same boat - now you know what it’s like to live on shit wages with no wage growth and growing debt

    freedoms frozen???????

    for the completely unaware in society- freedoms have been seriously and systematically eroded for decades

    The only difference is now some are noticing

    this is a wonderful opportunity for recognition and readjustment

    a true time for reflection, reevaluation and formation of new healthy values

    because one day- we will get a virus that comes to town that’s got a bad r’s attitude and a take no prisoners idea - instead of this pussy
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