Daniel Andrew’s Police State - my letter in the Herald Sun., page-72

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    I’m fully supportive on the general thrust of what the Federal Government is trying to achieve. A flattening on the curve and vigilance to isolate those found to be infected. Getting current cases down to zero (which should be just a matter of weeks) would be ideal.

    I’m also supportive of measures that enhance social distancing, but am dead again overly prescriptive laws that target activities, rather than having social distancing at the heart of the law change.

    What got my goat up on this issue was the footage of the NSW police taking their cars through a park, and talking to a guy who was near no one, just lying down on the grass, minding his own business. And from there, state Premiers have become more and more prescriptive, and more draconian in what people can, and cannot do.

    Governments should want people to come along on the journey, but by getting more draconian, more people will say ‘enough is enough’.
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