GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

great post

  1. 381 Posts.
    I really like this post from another forum thought l would share it,

    I honestly believe this is a controlled devaluation of the system as a whole. Or I should say, a forced devaluation.

    I've read all of the economist views on this, from Austrian to Keynesian, from gold and silverbugs to dollar hegemonists. Here's my opinion.

    As we've seen, this is a forced devaluation. First they hit the banking sector, to get rid of the toxic stuff 'under the table.' Has there been any transparancy or willingness by the banks? Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan do not count in this, for reasons I will not get into here, as I'm sure most of you know already.

    The dollar suddenly goes through the roof in value, above other currencies in comparison. Gotta keep America at the top, so foreign investors still see the US Dollar as a reserve currency.

    Then, they hit the commodities sector. Total devaluation by mass deleveraging. Oil is hitting the floor despite OPECs attempts to arrest this. Gold and silver are being driven down by PAPER COMEX prices (now that's one HELL of an illusion). Leave the market to believe that there is NOWHERE to run.

    With hedges down, hedge funds and mutual funds shrink, die, or flee to the dollar. Look how much money has dissapeared already from this. All that wealth, gone. Wealth that wasn't really there.

    Now, the DOW and other markets are in a controlled crash, to keep people from panic selling. Seriously, every time it goes into a dive, there's a sudden 300-900 point jump back up to near positive territory or above. A sudden crash would force their hands and rush their plans.

    When enough people dive into the dollar as an escape from the wealth confiscation, don't be suprised by the rate cut and mass devaluation of the dollar that happens VERY quickly, at a time that will leave few without warning with the ability to move back into hedges against the dollar. Imagine how much wealth will be lost through this move.

    Now, there will be huge winners in this plan. Everyone's losing money, because the whole system has to move down from the grossly inflated numbers that are still there. Some estimates are DOW back down to near 5000. You take a guess, just don't be suprised. Those who play this with foreknowledge will jump out of hedges, or buy the hedges when low, and make a mass move to the dollar like what is happening now. Right before the dollar drops, you'll see mass buy-ups from big players, likely in commodities in their lows. Everyone else will drop like a rollercoaster on a broken track.

    Those of you who are cringing over the gold and silver markets, remember that the central banks have all but stopped leasing their hoards. They are making every attempt to pull their gold and silver back into their vaults and low prices, trying to shake out all the small investors they can. Even CFTC investigators are perplexed over this mass devaluation of g/s when you would think it would be shooting through the roof. But is it so suprising? The powers that be can't have people publicly rushing into gold and silver, which in the larger scheme of things, they can't completely devalue. They WANT people in the dollar, for reasons already stated.

    Now, I'm not necessarily advising you to rush all your money into physical metals, because I'm not a professional advisor, and you're gonna need cash for a while. Besides, good luck finding metals to take possession of even close to spot, in any amount that will matter.

    So you have my prediction. There is nowhere to run, unless you have plans to hold for the long run. The worst place to stash your wealth is the USD. For now it's a great idea, but you better have plans to put it into something equitable and/or tangible. Like canned goods.
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