tax cuts might be coming early says swan, page-17

  1. 8,980 Posts.
    Mister Dollars, you might have forgotten but what Mr Rudd has really inherited from the dynamic-duo (thank you schlomo) was the highest inflation in 16 years, the 2nd highest interest rates in the developed world, moving higher by the minute, the most unaffordable housing in the damned known universe, the highest ever foreign debt, as well as one of the highest ever household and business debts. Also, we have them to thank for the biggest Current Account deficit on record (4th highest in the world in dollar terms, I'm told) and an unspeakably disgraceful Industrial Relations system, one that would make third world countries shudder...

    I think I prefer this lot of managers to the previous one, at least to have long enough for me to take a breath of fresh air.
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