am i thinking right re rentals, page-13

  1. 3,704 Posts.
    Firstly it is quite cowardly to be insulting in forums like this. Easy to hide behind a username and be a put-down hero but quite gutless methinks. It is not necessary and does not help the discussion at all.

    Kincella is clearly pointing out the long term trend but he will be the first to agree that within those long terms trends there are bumps and drops in the short term.

    I saw the sharing thing take hold in the early 90's when interest rates went through the roof as did rents so I agree that it will happen.

    However, it is a substitute, not the first preference for people. As soon as they can, they will revert to the long term trend of less people per square metre.

    I have long grappled with where we are all going. With urban growth boundaries containing land supply but affordability capping what people can pay what will give?

    Assuming that people continue to live within the major metro areas and indeed continue moving to them from urban areas, then the only solution I could see was more sharing or smaller premises.

    The former is more likely in the short term, the latter is a longer term move if nothing else gives.

    So yes, I agree we will see more sharing but guess what? That also raises what rent can be afforded for a place.

    I learned a long time ago that a four bedroom place which will get say $300 for a family will magically command $400 if rented to 4 singles.

    The singles also love it because of all the fun they have with each other. Everyone wins.

    As a landlord and property investor I think opportunity abounds as long as people want a roof over their heads.
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