HCT 0.00% 2.4¢ holista colltech limited

HCT Marketing, page-269

  1. 3,919 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 472
    Totally agree that it's the whole market approach for discussionus and not obsession over just Natshield. What would help 100% is the production of say a 5 part series video explaining the market, a product's progress, manufacturing levels/capabilities, locations and distribution network, lastly, future strategies visionary plans.

    At the moment there is so much fractionalisation of information, tidbit, piecemeal onlibe material.

    There just isn't a full appreciation of what where and how this is all developing.

    This leads to missinformation, hypotheticals and frustration.

    More importantly this is all vital sensible information for new and potential investors, partners and consumers.
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