Critical Times as Foretold, page-522

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    As I have already pointed out, the expression "Kingdom of God" can refer to different things.
    Don't forget the people were expecting a literal earthly kingdom something like this ..

    Daniel 2:44
    "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever."

    "So what's this rubbish you keep going on about, the literal SEEING?"

    It's not me going on about seeing it is all 3 accounts in the Gospels.
    That's why I asked why did they specifically use "see" and what is it they would see when Jesus in your above quote said it was not observable ?
    That Jesus had already sent them to preach The Kingdom as words, that he said to the Pharisees and his disciples that it was within ... a spiritual state.
    This is an example of why there is so much disagreement on what is meant.

    "Don't twist things around, the coming, or the second coming described in the latter chapters that you keep trying to say is the same event, describes the coming with way more fan fair, so to speak and the other one, you attempted, implied the same fan fair by ADDING -

    No twisting as I have already described the Olivet version as being more detailed and spectacular.
    Again, I ask you is the description of Jesus coming with his Father's Glory and Angels to judge, not a spectacular event ?

    "Matthew 16:27-28
    27 For the Son of Man will come in His Father’s glory with His angels, and then He will repay each one according to what he has done.
    28 Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”"

    Now wotsup, why is it that only you insert an artificial division between Matthew 16:27 and 16:28 ?
    Even those who think it refers to something other than the Second coming such as JW still regard the two verses as an account of the Transfiguration and don't separate the verses.

    Nor, as far as I can find, does anyone else.
    Those verses were clearly "said" in the same breath.

    Wotsup, you clutch at Satan and God pulling the wool because you refuse to admit the Bible as written is a collection of different bits and pieces put together by men with vested interests that could do nothing but create confusion and different interpretations.

    Imagine how much more a source of differences if not for the amount of work that went into examining all the various versions of gospels and other stories to find those with the most consistent account. Even so, it is no wonder the compilation that became the Bible has been such a source of disunity and disagreement since even before it was codified.

    This is the limitation and stupidity of Sola Scriptura.

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