AVR anteris technologies global corp.

Ann: AVR host TAVR KOL Symposium moderated by Credit Suisse, page-21

  1. 2,929 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 198
    share price is woeful and I completely agree with that. However the developmental horizon is completely different with game changing products likely to hit the market in the short to medium term.
    There is a complete disconnect between the share price and the fundamentals of the companies for 3 reasons
    1) obvious breakdown of relation between management and SB, SB is almost behaving like a jilted lover cutting off its own nose to spite is face . Their mission appears to completely disrupt whatever management is planning .
    2)stale holders like yourself who cannot look past a disappointing history and analyse what is now palpable game changing products , looking at human implant of TAVR in 2021 is massive and definitely not ho hum stuff
    3) Wayne's failure to convert interests into commitment from institutions.
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Mkt cap ! $193.8M
Open High Low Value Volume
$11.05 $11.29 $11.00 $50.79K 4.583K

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4 6694 $10.70

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Price($) Vol. No.
$11.30 2450 2
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Last trade - 14.17pm 28/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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