Day Trader’s Aftermarket Lounge 28 July 2020, page-63

  1. 624 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    I had a good day. I got to use a lot of skills that I have been self-learning and through this forum.

    EXL: A silly buy and a sleepless night. I actually made money on open. Just luck here.
    CHZ: Traded a few times and made some handsome profits. This was putting a learning into practice. I have learnt that all trades need not be pre-set up or fully researched. One needs to keep an eye on intraday activity for opportunities. I watched it closely-volume-pip fluctuation-overall trend, 1, 2,5,10 min chart. Again and again. A quick read up on whats going on. And when I felt a degree of confidence, then I took a informed plunge. Did not chase or become greedy. I then traded between my range of 26-29.5 at various points taking 3 pips and 2.5 pip combinations, with good size parcels.
    SE1: I had been watching for a while and have traded before. got in at 7.3 and out 7.8

    I am however sitting on IP1 and 9SP, did not get time to close the stuck at work. Likely tomorrow this will be at loss, but hopefully should very small. Or not.
    Big ARIGATO and GRACIAS to this forum as I continue to learn through the chatter. And to the champions that i am learning a lot from: @Lambrae @pustayo @Veritas2000 @Bigmarn @togakure @taughtbuffet@Whitewolf89 @Ashik@FlipFlipFlip surely I have missed a name or two...but you know who you are because you are putting knowledge and experience back in. Beverage on me, if and when fate allows.
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