can the us dump sharon?, page-7

  1. 2,146 Posts.
    Dearest Anna,
    Thankyou for your considerate reply.
    I think yoiu have a good point. The Isaeli-Palestinean issue must be settled with negotiations. But it seems that thge current Palestinean leadership is not reallt serious in their negotiations.
    There seems to be the mistaken notion that if they can somehow soften up Israel enough, they will not have to negotiate seriously.

    So the key to getting a solution, would seem to be to get serious negotiating partners on the Palestinean side.
    I am sure the Israelis side are serious.
    In order to get these negotiations underway, you need a more sensible,moderate Palestinean leadership to emerge. Currently it is not possible as any moderate voices are quickly silenced by the Palestinean terror groups. After all, they are basicall criminal enterprises parasiting on the Palestinean people who do not really want the current limbo to ever be resolved. It will upset their franchise on power and disrupt their cash flows.

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