Teeth, language and racial origins, page-1209

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    The Scriptures make it clear there is only one ''true God'' along with the importance of recognizing both Him and the role that is unique to his Son.

    (John 17:3) This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.

    Jesus as the ''one'' sent by God made it clear who that only true God is.
    (Matthew 4:10) Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”

    Jesus was faithful to his commission.
    (Revelation 3:14) “To the angel of the congregation in La·o·di·ceʹa write: These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God:

    How many religions are there that are recognized for their worship of Jehovah and the doing of his will as was Jesus?

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