Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-41037

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48

    Why was the teacher cross eyed?

    Because she couldn’t control her pupils.



    How to fix a cross-eyed bull...

    A man on a farm had a bull who went cross eyed one day. He didn't know what to do so he decided he would call the local vet. The vet went down to the farm and said "Ah! No problem, I know just what to do." He went to his truck and got a long pipe. He then inserted that pipe into the bull's ass and blew really hard. The man was amazed to see the bull's eyes go back to normal. "See there you have it, all back to normal, that'll be $150." The farmer paid the vet and was happy his bull was back to normal.

    A week goes by and the man notices the bull has gone cross eyed again. Well instead of paying $150, he decided he would just grab a pipe and do the same thing he saw the vet do. So he grabs a pipe, shoves it up the bull's ass, and blows really hard but to no avail. Reluctantly he calls the vet and asks him to come over.

    The vet comes by and the farmer says "Look, I did just what you did but it's not working." He blows into the pipe that's up the bull's ass and shows the vet it doesn't work. The vet walks over and takes the pipe out of the bull's ass, turns it around and sticks the other end into the bull's ass. "Whoa, what're you doing?!" to which the vet replies. "Are you kidding me, that end was in your mouth, I'm not putting my mouth on that!"


    Pica looking a class

    Picas pet students


    Picas duck


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