'Smarter White' milk. Offensive to Aboriginals, page-35

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Thing is Moon, give these cretins an inch and they'll take a mile. I cannot believe the manufacturer of Coon cheese folded and agreed to change the 65 years old name...nothing to do with any race...what a joke.
    I guess all the "Coons" in the phone book will have to change their name as well...

    If Paul's fold they are total dickheads...if this deadbeat wins, next it'll be "white" bread being targeted because it is offensive to some nutter somewhere...surely some one still has gonads in this ridiculous PC correct era we are enduring, to tell these professional offense takers to take a hike...get a life...just rack off!
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