No vaccine what happens ?, page-280

  1. 35,208 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 198
    “No vaccine, what will happen?”

    Herd immunity will happen before an effective vaccine is developed............ “if” developed it will milk National Health systems for $$$ so that the small percentage of the population that are vulnerable can extend their life expectancy and or avoid an unpleasant end.

    Sweden estimates it has dozens more people with antibodies to the virus than have gone in and bothered to be tested and resulted in being diagnosed as positive with the virus.

    New Zealand can’t figure out how the virus has popped up again........... they seem to like the idea of blaming food imports and shutting the joint down..........Perhaps they never got rid of it in the first place and just like Sweden have many that show no symptoms or very few and thus go on about their business like nothing happened.

    Government is where all the incompetent people gather....... it’s curious that they managed in unison across the World to shut things down so effectively, yet at the same time manufacture F***-Ups to keep the ball putting it in Old People’s homes and then pronouncing “look, it spreads and kills”!

    Santa and Governments............ at least Santa gives once a year.......... Governments, well we know what they get up to.

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