Trump MASSIVE Win Coming, page-248

  1. 15,051 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1403
    In the context of the American presidential election which has 538 'votes' , a win is 270 votes. Now a win is a win but this margin would not be classified as massive unless you were Hilary Clinton in 2016. As you may know, Hilary went to the election after being comforted by a person who swore he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky in one unsavoury character identified as Exhibit One and Hillary walked out of the encounter with her underpants around her ankles. She lost. She lost with a score of 227 compared to 304.

    Now to me that is not a massive win. Donald took the win and promised to make America great again. What he did not envisage is the debris and detritus that had affected the voters who scored 227 out of a possible 538. You see there is nothing worse in life than being a bad loser. Nothing ! Accept the situation and move on. Change a little. Better yourself. Improve for the future mooey. Just do not stagnate and meander and fester in your own vomit, your own exudate because you will not learn from the experience. You will just become a caricature of an indignant fool, a life long loser constantly bringing up the past. Surely you know those types in society. You will pass them by and think why didn't you change? Why did you have to remain a fool?

    Just go back a little mooey and think of the time you were at school. Remember the pass and fail system of doing things. You know fifty per cent is a pass and 49% is a fail. There is not much in it but at school, if you had perseverance, honesty and integrity and scrapped in at about 47%, i think the teacher might have given you three extra point. But mooey, politics is a rough and tough game, both sides give as good as they get, but there can only be one winner. You see mooey, winners are grinners and since 2016, the Republicans of which Donald Trump is the leader have been running the show. They have done so many amazing things mooey but politics being politics, the opposition would never acknowledge any positive thing. Out of interest mooey, if you have a job you would realise the importance of that. Did you know that Donald trump had the lowest levels of unemployment ever. That means there were more people bringing home the bacon so to speak to enrich their families than ever before. The Americans felt proud and America was becomig great again in the words of Donald trump.

    Now pull me up here mooey if these numbers mean nothing to you but i reckon they might. Like a game of football or rugby, if the combined score is 100 points and one team gets 51, guess what, they win. So there are so many 'wins' but in 2006, 56% was the number. Is that a massive victory? Not really. It's a win of course but can i finish with a prophecy for November this year.

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