gaza, now this is serious, page-30

  1. 5,428 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Hi fbt,

    The last piece I quoted was from the political right so for a bit of balance, this next piece comes from my local paper, The Byron Shire Echo. It maintains, "The paper has no party political allegiance, but claims to be socially radical and environmentally conservative." I've always thought it a bit left. A local and national identity, Mungo MacCallum, writes a piece each week. Here is his most recent paragraph on the Middle East.

    "Is there anything we can do about Israel/Palestine? No. With the benefit of 60 years hindsight, it can be seen that setting up a Jewish state on what had become Arab homelands in the midst of what were confirmed as Arab homelands was a pretty dumb idea. But we did, and it’s not going to go away. Moreover it has a fanatical nationalism and widespread international support, backed up by its own nuclear weapons. All we can do is wait and hope that sooner or later sanity prevails on both sides, as it eventually did in northern Ireland. But it would be unwise to hold our breath."


    The past is the past but I hope that one outcome of the current conflict is an end to the Israeli blockade.
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