gaza, now this is serious, page-122

  1. 5,822 Posts.
    Hi meerkat ... you're on the right track ... I undertook a month long study tour in Egypt 12 months ago.

    Muslim Brotherhood: Hamas is an offshoot of Egyptian Brotherhood who assassinated Egyptian PM Nokrashi in 1948 and sent 10,000 fighters against Israel. MB was deregistered as a political party and reinstated only as a religious organisation which continues to this day.

    Following a failed assassination attempt on Nasser in 1954 (Rauf was executed and thousands purged who fled the country) they were crushed by Govt forces. Subsequently there were three further unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Nasser who had the leaders of the MB plots executed in 1966. The MB political aims demanded that Egypt be governed by Islamic Sharia law and when Nasser's successor Sadat signed the peace agreement with Israel in 1979 the MB had Sadat assassinated.

    Egyptian President Mubarak (now 83) declared a 'state of emergency' in 1987 and precariously holds power supported by financial and military aid from the U.S. Although still banned in Egypt as a political party, MB hold 17 seats in Egyptian parliament running as independents.

    Egypt's political future is uncertain in a country with 80million hungry mouths to feed and unemployment running upwards of 30% and 900,000 young people entering the workforce every year and no jobs ... yet another breeding ground for islamic radicalisation.

    Worth noting that Muslim Brotherhood also call for destruction of the State of Israel ... difficult to see Mubarak's successor able to govern alongside a major terrorist organisation.

    Cheers ... tight stops.

    This is only my view ... read the black stuff.
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