stimulus packages worldwide, page-26

  1. 1,020 Posts.
    Eags, why you continually spout off about us Lib supporters protesting because the stimulus package supported pensioners, carers and families is an out and out LIE. You really ought to be ashamed of yourself deliberately trying to mislead people. It really is extremely childish and immature. The only possible reason for your continual lies must be for self assurance. Not one poster has opposed these groups being helped in a definite time of need, what we have opposed is the method. Is a massive handout, that blew half of our budget surplus in one fell swoop, the answer, or could we have taken the oppositions stance and provided an immediate increase in pension payments, that would be far reaching and have an extremely long term benefit. ALL of us Lib supporters support pensioners, carers and families so your postings to the contrary are just a childish attempt to get under peoples skin.

    It really is such a shame you need to resort to such tactics as I honestly have a great deal of respect for you. Anyone who takes the role of carer needs to be praised and commended for their invaluable role in our community.

    As for Misty and his constant ramblings about opposition policy, well, I have just mentioned one, here is another.

    Bank guaranty, thought up by Libs with a cap, policy taken on by Labs with $20,000 cap, then no cap, then a new cap, then entirely botched, talk about policy, wow.

    What about Lab policies and ideas then.

    ETS, still extremely keen to push it through by 2010. Backflipped and changed mind 100 times, blind leading the blind. Complete incompetence.
    National broadband roll out, sorry, when was that meant to commence again. Oops, another little hiccup hey?
    Computers in schools policy, they forgot to factor in installation costs or running costs or upkeep costs when budgeted. Well done yet again. Complete joke.
    $35 million handout to Toyota, who even said they didn't need it. Brilliant waste of taxpayer money. Complete joke.
    Asia Pacific Community that was shot down by none other than Paul Keating and every Asian community. Complete joke.
    Nuke Watch, still haven't even convened a meeting. Complete joke.
    Water Watch, $50million used to buy empty dams for the Murray Darling. Complete joke.
    Applying Blow-torch to oil producing countries, all air, never even said boo to any oil producing nation. Complete joke.
    $500 million Green Car Innovation Fund, where the Productivity Commission boss Gary Bunk said it was unlikely to yield significant innovation or greenhouse benefits. Complete waste of taxpayer money. Complete joke.
    Whale Watch. Even worse than a joke.
    Ideas summit, has produced not one single idea that has been acted upon, it was a celebrity shmooze at taxpayer expense. Complete joke.
    Luxury car tax, gives tax breaks to old growth loggers but no tax break for country doctors, grocers, posties, newsagents, etc etc. Complete joke.
    Medicare Levi increase, designed to give a tax benefit to about 100,000 only problem is over 300,000 pensioners are now worse off. Complete joke.
    Alcopops tax, sales of alcopops has eased slightly but sale of straight spirits has risen significantly. Kids are now drinking a larger amount of alcohol. Complete joke.
    Fuel Watch. Complete joke.
    Grocery Watch. Complete joke.

    Now you tell me, is it worthwhile having policy for the sake of policy or do you think we "NEED TO GET THE BALANCE RIGHT"?
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