KLL 0.00% $7.28 kalium lakes limited

Undervalued Gem, page-19

  1. 989 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    Beyondie is a better project than LW
    and IMO LW will ultimately run into issues
    one Of the two companies will end up owning the other IMO
    Dilution is KLLs Achilles now bought on by an immature
    incompetent board and management . I feel KLLs advisors and engineering is better than SO4 and I don’t believe SO4s short cuts will prove them well in the future

    there is probably $50 000 000 still to wash out of KLL at 15c
    this company is going to need to break down a wall
    at every .5c increase from relentless sellers
    you probably have to next year to get in at 15c
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