howard best pm since wwii - poll, page-15

  1. 3,128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 103
    Same on Dil.

    It is all about perception my friend, and of course we all have different perspectives on that.

    I was refering only to the economic waters which JH sailed thru, and relatively, compared to either side of him, he had it very, very easy and did counter whatever rough waters he endured by flogging off national assets at the top of the market. FACT.

    Just to outline how my perspective differs from yours...keeping in mind I regard George W Bush as the greatest disarster since WWII....

    You wrote..

    What world have you inhabited over the last twelve or so years Kemp?

    In Howard's time at the helm we went through:

    The SEA Economic Crisis; pass

    The 9/11 bombing of the WTC; Did what he was told to do by the idiot GWB.

    The Military Intervention in East Timor; - We sent troops, what would other PM have done - ignored it?

    The intervention in a number of failed Pacific nations; Participatory and any PM would do this. Failure.

    Military assistance in Afghanistan to combat worldwide terrorism under the guise of the Taliban;Failure.

    Signifance economic assistance to Indonesia due to the Indian Ocean earthquake;Again, any PM and neighbouring country should do this.

    Military assitance in Iraq to assist in removing one of the most despotic tyrants. Absolute failure, just following orders again.

    If you didn't know this occurred under Howard's watch you must have been living under a tree in the middle of the desert!

    What else do you want, a free lunch I suppose.

    - You forgot dispicable and blatant disregards for human rights when lieing about the Tampa incident, developing the Nauru solution.

    But hey, I agree, JH is one of and will continue to be one of the most polarising figures in Australian History. You love him, I have always dispised the rodent.

    And I still stand by by initial statement on a purely economic stance....Howard was fortunate to steer Australia through extremely calm years in the economy and oversaw, but nothing more than luck, the longest period of (phoney?) wealth creation that the world and Australia have seen in a long, long time.

    Anyway Dil, we are opposite sides of the JH commemorative coin....and you have bought it and I did not.



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