Victoria Police are out of control, page-51

  1. 1,852 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 353
    I am in Melbourne and living through this, i see the police cars out 24/7 looking for any excuse to harass and intimidate and fine people. This has nothing to do with virus control, it is state sponsored fear and revenue raising, a complete and utter over reaction to a situation which does not need it. What really makes me angry is this is Andrews taking this out on the public and Victoria for the mistakes he and his government made earlier in this virus process which lead to this outbreak.

    There was not this police presence and tactics to the black lives matter protest a few weeks ago, and that was fine, so why does a few people protesting against the lockdown mean riot police and mass police mobilisation is needed? This in itself is another of the many signs of Dan Andrew's government's Orwellian and brutal stamping on any signs of dissidence to his regime whenever they feel like it.

    The next thing i guarantee he does is make the vaccination a mandatory requirement for all of Victoria, this process of a vaccine which usually takes years and multi human trials to look for side affects which will be rushed through and all sorts of punishment will be dished out to those who do not get the vaccine.
    Last edited by syelaw: 14/09/20
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