TTT 4.17% 25.0¢ titomic limited

Self imposed exile, page-4

  1. 2,940 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 555
    I’m about ready to take you up on that offer.... when can you be here?
    Australian Government needs to pull their finger out and get their people home. I’m one of 25,000, looking everyday at no flights available for weeks to come all because of no space in Hotel Quarantine.
    They impose an isolation requirement at the people’s cost but don’t provide sufficient facilities.
    I left a wife and 2 children in February to go to work for 5 weeks and am still here. Admittedly I could have returned earlier in the year but that would have left us with no income. Now I want to return I can’t.
    I really feel for those who are broke and homeless in transit. Our politicians need to step up here and get this sorted and quickly.
    I’ve have all possible appendages crossed that JL pulls his finger out and gives us the news we are all waiting for. Not in any specific order... but there’s a pile of news to filter through... surely!!
    Sounds like I’m whining I know but I’m cutting myself some slack...
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24.5¢ 25.0¢ 24.0¢ $146.0K 600.0K

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1 41670 24.0¢

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25.0¢ 198381 8
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Last trade - 16.10pm 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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