20 SIGNS We Are! Living in the END TIMES, page-61

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    The Scriptures make it clear there are more than 1 system of things that would end.
    (1 Corinthians 10:11) Now these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have come.

    Most Jews of Jesus' day failed to heed Jesus warning and it cost them their lives. Jesus was not at that time claiming the Christian era was about to end. It had not yet started!
      We have been living at the time of the end  of the worldwide system since 1914.  All the things Jesus foretold commenced from that time onward. - Rev 6:2-8.

    The white horse, whose rider is a heavenly king. The King, Jesus Christ himself, is the one who rides in the cause of righteousness. (Psalm 45:4) His first task is to rid the heavens of Satan and his demons.—Revelation 6:2; 12:9.

    The fiery-colored horse, whose rider has authority “to take peace away from the earth.” (Revelation 6:4) Since 1914, war has constantly plagued mankind. Just 21 years after World War I ended, a second world war broke out, killing far more people. One estimate says that World War II cost some 60 million lives. Since 1945, wars have been more localized but just as brutal. Some historians estimate that well over a hundred million people lost their lives in wars during the 20th century.

    The black horse, whose rider has scales in his hand to depict famine. (Revelation 6:5, 6) During the first world war, an Allied blockade caused some 750,000 deaths in Germany as a result of hunger. Over two million Russians starved to death in 1921, and similar tragedies soon unfolded elsewhere. In all, an estimated 70 million people died of famine during the 20th century. Every year, poor nutrition still contributes to the death of over three million children under the age of five.

    The pale horse, whose rider brings death by deadly plague. (Revelation 6:8) The first great 20th-century plague was the Spanish flu. Figures vary widely, but one estimate says that the flu killed some 50 million people. “This pandemic was one of the worst disasters in history,” notes the book Man and Microbes. “Even bubonic plague did not kill so many people so fast.” Smallpox, malaria, and tuberculosis are other infectious diseases that caused hundreds of millions of deaths during the 20th century.

      Jesus has given clear indications to his disciples indicating the end is near. The world was to be put on notice, but will take no note until it is too late.-- Matt 24:37-39

    Don't be among them!
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