idon't like these zionist types much, page-10

  1. 5,748 Posts.

    I have had some unpleasent dealing with Jews as well. But I knew a friend once who ran a panel beating shop, who swore he would never ever deal with a Greek as he could never trust them!


    I've had some unpleasant dealings with Jews as well......and with other nationalities......

    I judge each person with whom I deal with on an individual basis......

    And if I can't do business with them...on an individual basis...for whatever reason......then I don' matter what the religion...colour...nationailty.

    However if I do business with someone who reportedly does not honour a verbal agreement....nor a handshake....then if I have a particular need to do business with such an individual, then I'll make sure it's properly documented....and if I'm still not relaxed about that person....then I won't deal no matter what.

    However as a matter of policy....I will not do business with an individual if it becomes clear to me that person is anti semitic. In fact I have walked out of meetings where substantial sums of money were involved just for that reason....but before I do, I say......quite publicly why.

    And if the other side wants to do business with uncomprimising position is.....not while that person is involved, no matter how trivial the involvement.......

    A bullsh!t mealy mouth apology means jacksh!t to me....because I know the apology is simply money motivated.........

    And the next thing I do for god measure is that I make that individuals anti semitic attitude known to my business acquaintences, both Jews and non Jews.

    That anti semitic idiot usually ends up in Coventry.......

    At least if he's gonna hate my guts, might as well give him a reason.
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