SACK ANDREWS, page-121

  1. 38,103 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    Well, look who's on duty in the cubby house tonight. rolleyes.png

    Despite all Rupert's right wing shock jocks and their RWNJ audience members wanting a political scalp, the results of the inquiry aren't out yet . The grown ups are going to wait for the facts so that we can fix things properly so that it never happens again.

    Based on your logic we should sack the PM because aged care is run by the feds and we should sack Dutton because he's the boss of Border Farce. Remember the little cruise ship known as the Ruby Princess ? You seem to forget that it was still the failing of aged care hygiene controls that allowed Covid to get in there and do the damage. Now, who's responsibility is aged care again ?????

    Victorian small business destroyed ? There's some more of your brainless shock jock waffle you like so much.

    Pretty sure small business will be back real soon actually. Probably starting from tomorrows announcements.

    So, best you go get back under the doona, put your thumb back in your mouth and wait till the shockjocks to turn up on Monday to make you feel more secure. wink.png
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