Huge clue about who will win the US election in these betting markets-October 28, 2020, page-47

  1. 3,463 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 355
    The Dow is going to tumble after the election...Doesn’t matter who wins. Australian’s will suffer the most under a Biden government. Assholes like studio ten promote who is in fashion in the USA thinking they are celebrities when in fact they are anti Australian and are dumber than dumb. They are in it for themselves not for Australia as a whole when they run down the best outcome for Australia as a whole. We should stop watching them and run them out of town for promoting people who are going to close our industry’s and cost us jobs. People are just so thick and promote their own agendas and don’t really care about their country... WHERE IS JOHN HOWARD NOW. He would promote a boycott of studio 10 and show them who really pays their wages...THE AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC.
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