TRUMP VIRUS -- will it top the magical100,000 new cases today, page-122

  1. 16,589 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8104
    "You referenced 20 countries. The US figure you quoted is (just) better than 13 and clearly much worse than 7. "

    Did you not even bother to perform the required mathematical computation before you launched onto your keyboard with that statement?

    Because if you had, you would have found that the US figure (31 cases per 100k citizens) is in fact a lot closer to the average (weighted, of course, by population), of the countries that are better performers (21 cases per 100k), than it is to the countries that fared worse (63 cases per 100k).

    US vs EU per capita cases.JPG

    "Bottom third you say? Or middle third perhaps?"

    Seriously? Did you really post that?

    USA ranks 14 out of 21.
    Would "just outside the bottom third" or "very bottom of the middle third" appease your inner pedant?

    (Who goes online to nitpick about something like that?)

    "I know you’re willing to torture logic until it’s crying out for mercy simply not to admit you’re wrong but are you seriously going to claim that US having lower numbers than some of Europe is due to Trump?"

    So I provide factual comparatives for context and you deem it to be a precursor to some sort of politically-motivated ideological position?

    Someone quoted some nominal measure which, in isolation, is objectively not very meaningful.
    To add some contextual meaning, I merely quoted an expanded array of figures.
    (Quite reasonably, not unreasonably,I would have thought... because countries have significantly different populations, case numbers, without the requisite per capita denomination, aren't indicators of very much at all, statistically-speaking).

    That you sought to invoke some sort of ambit political element to the discussion is not something I quite understand, but I suspect it speaks to your particular brand of ideological predisposition.

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