Why do Americans Vote for Trump, page-42

  1. 687 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 72
    Job growth.
    Unemployment down.
    Troops home.
    Brought industry back to America.
    Made trade agreements more favourable for Americans rather than foreign countries.
    Brokered peace between a few countries, even nominated for nobel peace prize because of it.
    Cut regulations giving Americans more freedom to pursue the American dream.

    Covid19 was the globalist elites last stand to make a great President look bad. People think Trump did a bad job? Why isn't Scott Morrison being blamed for Daniel Andrews mistakes? Oh, that's right, heads of state are the ones who make the calls. America is no different. Blamimg Trump for the mistakes of the worst effected states is so disingenuous, you've been played and you're too arrogant to realise.

    Divisive? The mainstream media did all that on their own. Turn off your TV.

    More black and latinos have voted for Trump than any Republican in recent history.

    Instead of supporting the American vote from 2016, a blatantly obvious coup has been consistently going on ever since from the Democrat party.

    Trump campaigned because corrupt bureaucrats and China have been ripping off the American people for too long.

    It's absolutely baffling that people can look at the Democrat leaders, the districts they govern and come to the conclusion that they do a good job.

    People on salaries of more than 100k can't afford to rent on their own in SF and other major D cities.

    Democrat cities are at the core of every single negative thing in America and has been for more than Trumps Presidency. Wake up.
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