FMG 0.05% $19.13 fortescue ltd

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  1. 1,977 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 20
    Things are getting more serious for FMG.....Huntlys report is damming in its apprasial of the past performance of FMGs operations......The fact is FMG consitantly fails to meet its own stated performance targets ...But of even greater concern is that Andrews credability has been damaged of late by his supposed habit of breaking agreements when they no longer suit him....Remember the shipping contracts and Briety earthworks contracts. The latest was his deal with the West Aust Government to develop 25 land blocks for the accomadation of FMG employees. He recieved a very good deal on that promise, and what did He do???. He used his own Company to try and resell the blocks at 5 times the original purchase price....Only when He was caught out did he announce that he would donate all proceeds to the Victorian bushfire appeal...Hmmmmmmmm.....Sorry, too late Twiggy. Gotchaa.....And, just who really owns the the 1,000 accomadation units donated to the V B Appeal????? Think about it........Just my opinion, so do your own research...
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Mkt cap ! $58.90B
Open High Low Value Volume
$19.30 $19.48 $19.08 $102.2M 5.336M

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1 15664 $19.13

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Price($) Vol. No.
$19.14 2650 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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